How Your Packaging Can be More Sustainable
As the world continues to make commitments to prevent climate change and adopt more sustainable business practices, environment friendly packaging has become more important for businesses than ever before.
Here are three ways you can boost the sustainability of your packaging:
1. Package Local
More than just the packaging itself, a big environmental impact related to packaging is getting it actually shipped to your warehouses. Even when using eco-friendly products, choosing a long-distance supplier can impact the environment a great deal. Reduce your carbon footprint by choosing sustainable packaging companies that are closer to home. Packaging local also comes with the benefits of lower transit fees, easier communication, and a smoother management experience. Packaging local allows for a greater dialogue about how sustainable products can be incorporated into your order than you can get with a company across the world.
Coleman Containers has been proudly serving the GTA for over 55 years, and we are committed to complying with the highest environmental standards. We also offer inventory management services, so that you only receive new packaging when you actually need it. This helps avoid surplus packaging being processed, and taking up space in your warehouse.
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Business Name: Coleman Containers
54 Atomic Ave,
M8Z 5L1
Contact's Phone #: 416-253-7441
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